Saturday, May 21, 2011

The second day of the trip, after camping in the car (in true exhausted-sketchy fashion) we were only a few miles down the road to Arches Nat’l Park. We made it there in no time, and very early as well! Since, you know, cars have a bunch of windows and let in light… It was very rainy all day, which was kind of sad. But oh well. Picture dump!: 

Hey theres me!

Awesome person who figured out how to get up there... Solid rock face on our side...

Kaylee enjoying the scenery!

We hiked through this narrow little space in the rock...
to see this lovely arch! Sand Dune Arch, specifically.

Pretty flower =D
Down on the far left you can see Delicate Arch, which is the arch that is on almost all the Utah license plates:

Pretty Arch =D

Weird rock formations are called "hoodoos"

We didn’t get to do as much walking around and exploring as we would have liked… It was very cold and windy as well.
After seeing all the pretty stops in the park, we finally headed out. We were planning on going to Colorado, to visit my lovely friend Jade, but there was a blizzard all along the Continental Divide, and my poor car HATES snow… I was very disappointed, but we eventually decided to head to Salt Lake City, UT instead of Fort Collins, CO, and Jade and I made plans to see each other later in the summer. We headed up to Heathers friend Victoria’s house instead. The first thing that we did was hit the showers!
We spent a full day attempting to wait out the rain, but to no avail. After massive amounts of sleep, fun times playing Little Big Planet and watching movies while it rained outside, and some really delicious pizza, I was getting anxious to hit the road again. After a combination of factors: massive amounts of rain, snow forecasted for the next week in Yellowstone, the promise of sunshine in California, and a very scary seizure that our new friend the Rez dog had, we decided to reverse our circle, turn around and head back to Flagstaff, AZ, and then continue to CA. 
Our route so far: 

1 comment:

  1. I love that place! And at least all the rain clouds made for awesome pictures!!

